I've been persuaded to take up blogging as a way of keeping everyone up to date about my 'great bike ride' plans - this blog will be my way of sharing the highs and lows (hopefully not too many of the latter!) of my RAGBRAI experience with everyone, from training to the ride itself.
For those of you who don't yet know what I'm talking about, here's a bit of background...
Late last year I developed a bit of an obsession for cycling. More recently, given my interest in environmental sustainability, I became a Founders’ Board member with Flora & Fauna International (FFI), the world’s first international conservation.
So how are these two seemingly separate passions connected? I’ve set myself the challenge of raising $70,000 for FFI by joining 9,999 other cyclists, including my son, Tim, in RAGBRAI, a 700km ride across Iowa - the world’s oldest, largest and longest bike touring event.
I am a strong advocate of initiatives that help create a sustainable future for our planet, so I'm proud to be supporting and promoting FFI. FFI works in 40 countries and have achieved many successes for both the planet and its inhabitants, by pulling numerous species back from extinction, working to redress climate change and helping people find a sustainable and ecologically sound way of living.
While it will certainly be a test of my physical endurance, I’m looking forward to the ride and all the once-in-a-lifetime experiences it will bring – seeing new sights, meeting participants from around the world, and doing it all in the name of a great cause.
And now here comes the appeal!
If you’d like to make a tax deductible donation, please visit http://www.fauna-flora.org/markjoiner.php
I'll be updating this blog on a regular basis, so stay tuned for more!