The Great Bike Ride

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The countdown begins!

Only a week to go now and watching the Tour de France has me quite motivated for my cycling adventure! Although I must say, seeing Armstrong's two crashes, torn shorts and blood soaked hands has made me wonder what I've gotten myself into! My mantra has become "it's a ride, not a race!" Which is what RAGBRAI say on their website...

I've done another couple of big rides since I last wrote. On Saturday the Luna Park riders and I ventured to Patterson River. If you cast your mind back, Saturday was a day of huge winds and it was my turn up front so I got in some serious resistance training. Ready for anything the cyclones of Iowa can throw at me now!

I'm also feeling much better - the pneumonia is loosening it's grip and I'm back up to 95% normality. I've really noticed the difference - even though Saturday was a tough ride I recovered much more quickly than I had a couple of weeks back. This will be my penultimate blog before I depart on July 22nd! Wish me luck for my final days of training...


  1. Very glad you are on the mend and just delighted with the effort you are making on FFI's behalf. We will be thinking of you, particularly next week when FFI Vice-President Stephen Fry is with us (we will be sedately discussing all matters conservation whilst you're steaming across the American countryside). Good luck! Rachel - FFI

  2. Best of luck for the ride Mark, fantastic that you're raising such a large amount for FFI!

    Enjoy the ride!

